Monday, August 2, 2010

Road Trip June 2010

Wow its been a while since we last updated.
I recently went on a road trip in June, but not with Jenna unfortunately :( It would have been a LOT more fun if she could have come.
Even though it's not a trip to a foreign country (keep checking back, though!) I decided a road trip in our home state is still worthy of a World Traveler's blog. So here are some pictures from the trip.
We went from San Jose (where Jenna and I attended Fanime) down to Santa Barbara, from there to Anaheim or outside of it, to San Bernardino to some small town and back home. The two people who went were C and C(male and female).
An old fashioned telephone booth in Santa Barbara.
There was a part of Santa Barbara, I forget what the place itself was called but it was FULL of statues like this one and a smaller trio that you could move the statues' arms and hands.
A hall at UCSB, what's with the dog thing?
The Hollywood sign!
At Disneyland. How could we go to Anaheim and not stop there?
I was so happy I found his star on the Walk. Denny Crane <3

This was painted on the wall by the entrance to a comic book shop Female C's friend took us to. OMG Marvel Comics' headquarters!! I was so excited to see this you don't even know! I wonder if I can get a tour of the place if I went back?

Manhattan Beach where we stopped to visit my cousin.

I know that SoCal isn't a foreign country to some of our readers and it wasn't the first time I'd been in the area (I have friends in the area and I visit a bit) but I've learned to look at life as a series of adventures. Instead of waiting for one big adventure, like going to Japan, to happen, we should look at every day as something new, something exciting. I spend all my time in my hometown and in nearby towns, so going outside my zone, going to SoCal, even just going to close by San Francisco or further out Sacramento should be cause for excitement, it should be an adventure. And it is a part of our world, so, here you go, a new adventure.
On Wednesday, Jenna and I are taking a trip to Sacramento, she's found a part of the city that I've never been to before, so I'm already geared up for another adventure, another journey!