Friday, May 29, 2009

Step by Step

Yo, Liz here.
I spent the day with Jenna yesterday,as she already wrote in her post,and we were researching hotels and ryokans(old fashioned japanese hotels-more like a bed n' breakfast actually-like you can see in Japanese tv shows and animes)in Obama and Kyoto.
It just reminded me of the day we bought the tickets to Japan.
I still remember how it felt that day.It was April 17th of this year and we were at my house. We went through all these sites, and travelocity and such  and had a conversation going on with a woman from a travel agency(Which reminds me,I never emailed her to tell her we got tickets else where. Oops.Guilt much?) and we found a deal for 16 days at a hotel in Shibuya and a flight for a good deal we could afford so we went to get it but there was all these forms to fill out and all this verification and emailing and checking and re-checking and I was fidgeting and just about sick to my stomach with excitement and worry:what if,in the process of verifying our purchase and signing up for the services of travelocity,the deal went away and was replaced with something more expensive-I thought travelocity was like ebay,you wait too long,you lose.Am I wrong?-I was practically holding my breath!
So when the page came up saying congratualtions we'd bought our tickets,I just about cried! We even took pictures of the computer with the page,as soon as I find my camera,it'll be posted so you can marvel in our dorkiness :)
We printed out three pages, one for Jenna,one for me, and one for Mom since she's so awesome,she sat with us that day and helped us look up deals and offered without us asking,to take us to the airport and to pick us up again at the end.
Even now,when I look at the print out of the iterinary-which is another word I cannot spell-my hands shake a little and my heart beats a little harder. I just can't believe I was able to get this far with something I'd been wanting for so long.

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