Monday, June 1, 2009

Obama is Beautiful World

Hello all,
Liz here.
After seeing this video, I decided it'd be fun to make a side trip to the town in the video for a variety of reasons.
1. the name,seeing as how Obama is our president, as an American I thought it'd be a trip to go to a town with the same name as our leader.
2. the band in the video rocked my socks so hard I want to see if I can find those small town celebrities and take a picture with them.Oh Dolphin helmetted man, I hope to make your acquaintance.
3. the town reminds me of where I used to live in Hawaii and it'd be nice to be able to enjoy some tropical climates and sea in the middle of my city vacation.
So I asked Jenna and Mallory if they were willing to go there for a bit. They were,thank goodness. We were even more lucky to see Obama is 2 hours about,from Mt. Fuji so we planned to go climb Mt. Fuji and then go to Obama and relax there, and then head back to Tokyo. 
Here and there plans changed, so now we're also going to Kyoto, which I'll let Jenna write about since she's the one who came up with the idea and booked the room.
I recently booked a hotel in Obama for us to spend the night.I'm pretty excited about it.It's on the beach, overlooking all of Obama's beach, includes dinner which will have fish pulled from the sea,pet friendly,and is right in Obama, all for a good price so yay for us. I'm looking forward to our stay in the town. As well as our stay in Kyoto, I wonder how big those two places are?
Oh and the hotel's site(I think it is.The pictures look right but I can't read the characters.) is here.


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