Monday, July 13, 2009

Closer than I thought

Oh God! Last night I got back from a trip to Huntington Beach, where my aunt, uncle, and new cousin live. And Now I've realized that I only have 16 more days until Liz and I leave for Japan. I feel like I am about to have a heart attack. So nervous. What if I forget something? What if we get lost, or kidnapped, or run out of money!? Anything and everything could go wrong. They could lose our reservations, we could be late for our plane, what if I can't figure out how to phone home? The plane could crash, and instead of dying instantly I could be the only survivor... drifting in the sea for hours until I starve or a shark eats me. What happens if Liz and I get seperated and can't find eachother again? What if one of us has to go to the hospital and our insurance doesn't work overseas, so we have to pay a huge bill? Do you see how much risk there is in traveling?!
And I am not even ready yet. I still have to pack... and finish my history final.

1 comment:

  1. Take some anxiety medication before you get on the plane. haha
