Friday, August 7, 2009

Blog Entry!

So we're back in Tokyo. Whew. What a long, weird, amazing trip it's been. We went to Obama, and it was pretty gosh-darn amazing! It was practically out in the boondocks and it reminded me so so much of the Big Island from Hawaii (ok, what IS the proper word to use when referring to an island out of a bunch of islands? Big Island of Hawaii, Big Island in Hawaii? Big Island on Hawaii?) with the way it was set up and the humidity and the rural-ness and the friendlyness of the people. We went to two different parts of Obama, the first part was at a stop called kato and it was so small the town barber was also the train manager! And the second part was in a more populated part of Obama and the first person we saw when we got there took us to a bike rental place and bascially left us no choice but to rent bikes. But I'm glad she did that, it was fun!
So we were in Obama about one day, one night, we went swimming in the water at Obama and we went wandering through the town when we had time to kill before our train and when we got to the bigger part of Obama (I'm not sure if Obama is one town with different areas of population or if Obama is actually a county like our Contra Costa County so...) we went riding around and went to the Chopstick Museum which was more fun than it sounded, I mean, we got to make our own chopsticks, after all. And we rode through a high school. Jenna and I were a bit worried we'd get in trouble, for trespassing or something, but it was after school and when would we ever get the chance, ya know? But I stopped being worried when a man in a blue jumpsuit stopped what he was doing and waved at us from a hallway in the school. I think we got a way with a lot cuz we were obviously non-Japanese. Everyone in Obama smiled at us and waved at us, it was so nice.
We then went from Obama to Kyoto. I don't really remember the train ride, I was really tired. I'm still tired, to be honest. I think today we're just going to lay around and gather our energy up for the next week. Or maybe not. I don't know.
As for Kyoto. It was pretty dang sweet! Our first night in Kyoto, we got lost looking for our ryokan( a japanese style hotel) and kept asking people and going up and down the streets and after a while we finally asked a random couple and they walked us right to the door of the ryokan..that we had been right in front of all along..Haha. The place was soo nice! It was all traditional and we had to take our shoes off and there was tatami flooring and stuff. I loved the air conditioning in the room, after being out in Obama humidity and Kyoto's heat, I loved the air conditioning. Also? Kyoto is hot.Hot hot hot! Its hotter than Tokyo!
After we got our stuff to the ryokan and sat for a bit, we decided to go get something to eat so we went out into Kyoto. We passed this place, Whooppee's (Or Whoopee's) and I liked the way it was decorated, and Jenna liked the music coming from it so we decided to investigate. We had a blast there! We ended up making friends with these two guys, Yuuji and...I think he said his name was Ita? And as Jenna said in her post, I did fall in love with one of them. I loved them both but Ita was just so sweet! And they took us out to dinner, and it was pretty funny, considering they didn't speak much english and we didn't speak japanese at all. Hah! I'll let Jenna write about the next day in Kyoto if she wants.


  1. did you guys go to Fushimi Inari Taisha?

  2. Yes we did! But we got there pretty late so we didn't get to go all the way to the top but I took lots of pictures, I'll show you when I get back
