Friday, August 7, 2009

The whole story

So Liz just posted, and now i am going to post my version of the story. So...august 4th we took the train out to Obama. Insane! First off, some old guy who called himself Morita-san sat down next to us on the train, and talked to us for...2 hours! Just talked and talked about shoguns, and showed us where Mt fuji was, and blabbed on about his home in Osaka... but he was a cute old man. It was a bit funny because I couldnt understand everything he was saying, and Liz couldn't understand ANYTHING he was saying, so we mostly just nodded. Finally we got to Obama and it was in the middle of nowhere. Our hotel was the only thing around, along with some houses and the dinky little train station. I noticed right away that everyone was... looking at us. But everyone was very friendly and smiled and was helpful. Some dad was with his kids catching bugs, and they even showed the bugs to us! So we checked into the hotel and then went swimming. The ocean water was so warm. After that we had dinner that came with our hotel room, and man, there was so much food it was unbelievable! The next morning was more of the same. And then we went to downtown Obama, were forced by an old lady to rent some bikes, and then were on our way to the chopstick museum! We really didn't make the chopsticks, but rather got to sand them down. It was awesome though because it was free, and so was some tea and cookies! I love free things! On the train to Kyoto, there were some local Obama schoolgirls who giggled and waved at me. There were no other seats, so i decided to sit next to them. And OH MY GOD they were so damn excited to talk to me. It was like I was famous or something. It was just like in those anime shows. They oohhed and awwed cause I was from California. And when they had to get off the train, they waved to us from the station platform. That was weird. So kyoto was so awesome. I recommend that everyone go there. There are temples and shrines galore! And the Motonago Ryoken was amazing. When we first walked in they had us take off our shoes and put on slippers. They were all bowing at us and welcoming us like we were celebrities. Our room was cool too! We had to sleep on mats on the floor. When we used the restroom we had to change into toilet shoes. There was a public bath. And best of all... on the last morning we were in kyoto....we saw a Maiko! (apprentice geisha) Infact we saw two! The first one was at a shrine getting her photo taken, and she let us photograph her too. And the second was in Gion and she was down an alleyway also getting her picture taken. The second Maiko we could not photograph. But it was very special to walk right next to one. They are so magical and pretty and kind of scary, all at the same time! And I also stubbed my toe. At a shrine there was a rocky path and I stubbed my toe and blood was everywhere. I have never seen a stubbed-toe as bad as the one I have right now. I just wanted everyone to know that. I will also post some pictures.

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